Adult Pickleball

Spring & Summer

individual leagues

Join us for our Individual Pickleball Leagues to meet and play with people of your skill level. Each week you will be assigned a court and players to play with for the evening. Individuals will move courts each week depending on how well they do. A prerequisite for joining leagues is that players know a majority of the rules of the game. Players should be aware that league scores may be recorded in DUPR.

  • Register Here (Through Holland Rec Website)
  • Cost: $35 
  • Men's Session 1: Mon | May 5-June 30 (Skip May 26) | 5:30pm Warm Up | 5:45pm Start | Helder Park
  • Men's Session 2: Mon | Aug 4-Sept 29 (Skip Sept 1) | 5:30pm Warm Up | 5:45pm Start | Helder Park
  • Women's Session 1: Mon | May 5-June 30 (Skip May 26) | 6:00pm Warm Up | 6:15pm Start | Moran Park & Beechwood Park 
  • Women's Session 2: Mon | Aug 4-Sept 29 (Skip Sept 1) | 6:00pm Warm Up | 6:15pm Start | Moran Park & Beechwood Park 
  • Pickleball Self-Rating Guide: HERE

partner leagues

Join us for our Partner Pickleball Leagues to meet and play with people of your skill level. Each week teams will be assigned a court and players to play with for the evening. Teams will move courts each week depending on how well they do. Partner leagues can be any combination of male/male, female/female, or male/female. Please sign up for your level of play for mixed league. View the links below to help determine your pickleball rating. Partners do not need to register individually for this program. Players should be aware that league scores may be recorded in DUPR.

  • Register Here (Through Holland Rec Website)
  • Cost: $70 per team 
  • Session 1:
    • Dates: Wed | May 7-June 25 | 5:45pm Warm Up | 6:00pm Start
    • Beginner-2.5 Players: Beechwood Park
    • 3.0-3.25 Players: Huizenga Park
    • 3.25-3.45 Players: Helder Park
    • 3.5+ Players: Moran Park
    • Pickleball Self-Rating Guide: HERE
  • Session 2:
    • Dates: Wed | Aug 6-Sept 24 | 5:45pm Warm Up | 6:00pm Start
    • Beginner-2.5 Players: Beechwood Park
    • 3.0-3.25 Players: Huizenga Park
    • 3.25-3.45 Players: Helder Park
    • 3.5+ Players: Moran Park
    • Pickleball Self-Rating Guide: HERE

brand new beginners clinics

Come learn the fastest growing sport in America. In this class we will introduce you to the game of pickleball. Coaching includes rules, scoring and learning the basic strokes of pickleball. For this class, you will need a pickleball paddle. However a limited number of paddles will be on hand for you to use if you don't yet have one.

  • Register Here (Through Holland Rec Website)
  • Cost: $65
  • Instructors: Jenna Timmer & Ryan Settlemyre (PROmotion Pickleball)
  • May 3-10: Sat | 9:00am-11:45am | Helder Park
  • May 3-10: Sat | 12:30pm-3:15pm | Helder Park
  • June 9-13 (Skip June 11): 3:00pm-4:25pm | June 9 @ Huizenga Park | June 10 @ Helder Park | June 11: Skip Day | June 12-13: Beechwood Park
  • Aug 5-26: Tue | 12:30pm-2:00pm | Helder Park 
  • Aug 5-26: Tue | 6:45pm-8:10pm | Helder Park
  • Pickleball Self-Rating Guide: HERE

advanced beginners clinicS (2.5)

Come learn the fastest growing sport in America. This pickleball class is geared toward the pickleballer in the 2.5 range.  In this class we will work on adding to the basic strokes of pickleball - serving, returning the serve, third shot drops and dinking.

  • Register Here (Through Holland Rec Website)
  • Cost: $60-$65 (depends on clinic)
  • Instructors: Jenna Timmer & Ryan Settlemyre (PROmotion Pickleball)
  • June 9-13 (Skip June 11): 5:15pm-6:40pm | June 9 @ Huizenga Park | June 10 @ Helder Park | June 11: Skip Day | June 12-13: Beechwood Park
  • Aug 28-Sept 18: Thur | 6:45pm-8:10pm | Beechwood Park
  • Pickleball Self-Rating Guide: HERE

intermediate power clinicS (3.0-3.5)

Come learn the fastest growing sport in America. In this 3.0 - 3.5 level class, we will focus on strategy using power shots- such as an aggressive serve, drives, punches, overheads, attacks, etc. This class will help you understand when speeding up the ball is appropriate and why. We will also look at set-up shots, along with a few spin shots. Safety glasses are recommended due to this being geared towards power shots, but not required.

  • Register Here (Through Holland Rec Website)
  • Cost: $60-$65 (depends on clinic)
  • Instructors: Jenna Timmer & Ryan Settlemyre (PROmotion Pickleball)
  • June 9-13 (Skip June 11): 6:45pm-8:00pm | June 9 @ Huizenga Park | June 10 @ Helder Park | June 11: Skip Day | June 12-13: Beechwood Park
  • Aug 28-Sept 18: Thur | 5:15pm-6:40pm | Beechwood Park
  • Pickleball Self-Rating Guide: HERE

third shot drop & drive intensive clinics

Come learn the fastest growing sport in America. Visit the Holland Recreation Website to learn more about specific clinic levels and descriptions. 

  • Register Here (Through Holland Rec Website)
  • Cost: $60
  • Instructors: Jenna Timmer & Ryan Settlemyre (PROmotion Pickleball)
  • Aug 5-26: Tue | 5:15pm-6:40pm | Helder Park 
  • Pickleball Self-Rating Guide: HERE

ORGANIZED open play

  • Pickleball Court Guidelines
  • Up to 6 courts can be used
  • 2 courts will always be reserved for non-scheduled play (see protocols below)
  • Games will be played to 11
  • Winners stay and split; Losers move off courts and put their paddle in the rack
  • If you win twice, move off the courts and put your paddle in the paddle rack (unless no one is waiting)
  • If more than 8 paddles are waiting, courts may move to a 4 on, 4 off rotation
  • Challenge courts are accepted: Format is 2 on, 2 off; Get in line with a teammate to challenge the winners of the next court. Winning team stays on until it loses, or maximum 3 games when busy

non-scheduled play

  • Pickleball Court Guidelines
  • Non-scheduled play is when there aren't any Recreation/City sponsored leagues, clinics, events or open play. When that is the case, the below protocols should be followed:
  • All courts are available for public use
  • Private games during non-scheduled court time are acceptable, however holding a court is not
  • If groups are waiting to play, rotation should follow 4 on, 4 off format at ALL times
  • Games to 15 points are acceptable
  • Please respect and adhere to all rules, be respectful of others, and have fun

pickleball skill levels

  • Click HERE to view instructions for self-rating your pickleball skills