ZPS Clubs
Find your passion at ZPS!
Club offerings provide students opportunities to be involved, discover new interests or develop special talents. Offerings may vary at times due to student interest.
High School Clubs
- Boys Volleyball: Chris Linderman, clinderm@zps.org
- Band Program: Pujan Bhattarai, pbhattar@zps.org, Website: https://sites.google.com/zps.org/zhsbands/Home
- Bee Club: Chad Lloyd clloyd@zps.org
- Calling All Colors: Lauren Bitzer, lbitzer@zps.org
- Choir Program: Jonathan VanEck, jvaneck1@zps.org, Website: https://zeelandhighchoirs.weebly.com/
- Dance Program: Nancy Clyde, nclyde@zps.org, Website: https://sites.google.com/zps.org/zeelanddance/home
- Dance Production Club: For more information email nclyde@zps.org
- Dutch Dance: For more information email dutchdance@zps.org
- Equestrian Teams:
- Zeeland West - machiele5810@hotmail.com
- Zeeland East - amandaharmsen@gmail.com
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes: For more information email jwoodruf@zps.org
- Fish Hawx: For more information please contact: brian.dobrinski@gmail.com
- National Art Honor Society: For more information email mfuller@zps.org
- Orchestra Program: For more information email mtenelsh@zps.org
- Pride Club: For more information email jguy@zps.org
- Ski Club: For more information email clloyd@zps.org
- Speed Club: For more information email rneal@zps.org
- Team 85 First Robotics: For more information email usfirst@zps.org
- Zeeland High Players/Theater Program: For more information, email Grace Vandewaa gvandewa@zps.org. Website: www.zeelandhighplayers.com
- ZEHS National Honor Society: For information email rcoussen@zps.org
- ZEHS Student Senate: For more information email jguy@zps.org
- ZWHS National Honor Society: For more information email lspaman@zps.org
- ZWHS Student Senate: For more information email mvansoes@zps.org
ZLinks & Unified Sports: For information email nvandegu@zps.org or jsteel@zps.org - ZEHS Student Ambassador Advisor: For more information email aboston@zps.org
- ZWHS Student Ambassador Advisor: cmielke@zps.org
Middle School Clubs
- Art Club
- Game Club
- Jazz Band
- Robotics Club
- Ski Club
- Co2 Car Club
- Intramurals
- Musical
- Student Council
- Be Nice. Group
- Homework Party
- Art Club
- Book Club
- Chix in Action
- Cityside Players
- Golf Club
- Jazz Band
- Robotics First
- Secret Agents Club
- Ski Club
- Science Club
- Homework Party