Board of Education

public notice for school board meeting

The Zeeland Public Schools Board of Education holds in person meetings on the third Monday each month (see schedule for dates and exceptions); parents and community are welcome to attend.  Please note that the Board of Education has a new meeting space for the monthly board meetings, located at the Central Administration Office, 183 W Roosevelt.  

If you are a person with a disability who cannot participate in the meeting through Zoom because of your disability, please contact Mary Miilu,, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting and we will provide assistance to enable your participation.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education, in public, for the purpose of conducting the specific School District’s business on the Agenda.  However, there is time for public participation during the meeting as noted below.  If you would like to provide input or ask questions on any business that will come before the Board at the meeting, you may also email members of the Board by going to the board page: Board of Education 

PUBLIC NOTICE FOR Regular board meeting 

DATE OF MEETING: Monday, October 21, 2024

PLACE OF MEETING:  Administration Office Board Room

TIME: 6:00 PM

Regular Meeting Agenda


DATE OF MEETING: Monday, October 14, 2024

PLACE OF MEETING:  Administration Office Board Room

TIME: 5:00 PM


DATE OF MEETING: Monday, October 14, 2024

PLACE OF MEETING:  Administration Office Board Room

TIME: Immediately following the 5:00 PM Special Meeting


How do I register to participate in the public comment portions of the meeting?

Members of the public who wish to make comments must register their intention to participate in the public portion of the meeting prior to the start of the meeting, as permitted by notifying the Zeeland Public Schools Board of Education.  You may email Mary Miilu in advance at, or register in person with Brandy Navetta prior to the meeting being called to order.  When you register you must include all of the following information to participate:  1) your first and last name, 2) your address, and 3) whether your comment is regarding an item ON or NOT ON the agenda.

To provide for orderly public participation, the President will recognize all persons who have registered to speak during the earlier opportunity for items ON the agenda and then later during the meeting those who have registered to speak during the opportunity for items NOT ON the agenda.

Public Comment Rules

Up to one hour will be reserved for this forum, with a maximum of five minutes per individual. No participant may speak more than once. If more comment is needed than the one hour time allows, there will be a public comment time following the regular meeting.  There will typically be no attempt to comment or give answers at this meeting.  Inquiries will be referred to the superintendent for response at a later time. 

Chad Creevy
Board Secretary

Board of Education Function

The primary function of the Board of Education is to oversee the education of people in our community. The Board is responsible for establishing and implementing all district policies and procedures required to maintain an excellent educational program for all students in a safe, secure learning environment. These policies and procedures guide the Superintendent and staff in their daily duties.

Board of Education Meetings

The Zeeland Board of Education conducts its regular monthly meetings at 6:00 p.m. in the Zeeland West High School cafeteria, 3390 100th Avenue, unless otherwise noted. These business meetings provide time for you to address the group with your remarks. This opportunity occurs at the start of each meeting during “acknowledgment of visitors” for items on the agenda, and the public comment at the end for non-agenda items.  Each person is allowed five minutes to give comment. Participants must contact the superintendent’s office ahead of time with contact information if you plan to speak to the board. This ensures that you are recognized at the start of the meeting. The Board occasionally announces a work study meeting to discuss one topic at length.  We will list work study meeting dates and times in advance.

Special Accommodations

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations when attending school board meetings should contact Mary Miilu in the Superintendent’s office at 616.748.3002 three days prior to the meeting.

For further information, contact Mary Miilu, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, at 748-3002.

Communication Toolkit

Communication Toolkit

Access District Directory

Policies and Bylaws

Board Policies and Administrative Regulations

Meeting Calendar & Minutes


July 16, 2023* Organizational Meeting Minutes; Regular Board Meeting  Minutes; Work Session Minutes
August 1 Special Meeting; August 19* Regular Meeting 
September 23*
October 21
November 11* 
December 16 
January 20
February 17
March 17
April 21
May 12*
June 9*


July 17, 2023* Organizational Meeting Minutes; Regular Board Meeting  Minutes; July 18, 2023 Work Session Minutes; July 6, 2023 Special Closed Session Minutes
August 21 Minutes*
September 18 Minutes
October 16 minutes
November 13* Regular Minutes; Special Mtg Minutes
December 7 Special Meeting, December 11 Special Meeting, December 18 Special and Regular Meetings
January 15 Org MinutesReg Minutes
February 19 Regular Minutes
March 18 Regular Minutes
April 15 Regular Minutes
May 20 Draft Special Minutes; Draft Regular Minutes
June 5 Special Meeting; June 5 Work Session; June 10 Truth in budget; June 10 Regular Meeting*


July 18* Organizational Meeting; Regular Board Meeting; Work Session
August 22*
September 19
October 17 Minutes (Regular Board Meeting); Minutes (Work Session)
November 14* Minutes (Regular Board Meeting); Minutes (Special Meeting)
December 6 (Special Meeting) Minutes
December 19 Minutes
January 16 Minutes Org Meeting; Minutes Regular Meeting
February 20 Minutes Regular Meeting
March 20 Minutes Regular Meeting
April 17 Minutes Regular Meeting
May 15 Special Meeting, Regular Meeting
June 1 Draft Closed Session Mtg; June 1 Draft Special Meeting; June 12* Draft Truth in Budget; Draft Regular Meeting

*Alternate date or time due to schedule conflicts

ADA Compliance

Zeeland Public Schools is committed to excellence in service and accessibility of web content for all of our clients and staff. As we work to improve these services, we have upgraded our website to be consistent with standards required for ADA compliance. If you find an issue with accessing content on the ZPS site, please report it to