Workers Comp

Staff Injury Report


It is important injuries at work are handled according to ZPS protocol and district policy.  If you are injured on the job, please follow these steps:

  • If the injury is a life-threatening emergency, call 911.
  • If it is not life threatening, whether you plan to seek medical attention or not, the injury must be reported to your building administrator/supervisor immediately and an injury report filled out.  It is important to open a claim within 48 hours of the injury to have it documented. 
  • Complete the injury report with as much detail as possible, including your social security number.  Turn in the completed form to your supervisor or building secretary; they will forward it to the Administration office to open the claim with the insurance company.
  • In an effort to provide the best medical care possible, clinics specializing in occupational medicine have been pre-authorized to provide care.  In order for an injury to be covered by our worker’s compensation insurance, it is important that all employees receive treatment for a work related injury at either Zeeland Community Hospital Occupational Health Clinic (Urgent Care Entrance), or Concentra (formerly Holland Medi-Center), not a personal physician.  If an injury occurs after school hours, you may go directly to either clinic; no appointment is necessary.  If the Occupational Health Clinics are closed, you may go to Zeeland Community Hospital Emergency Room.  Please note, your MESSA insurance will not cover an injury if it occurred at work.

For Emergency care between the hours of 7am-8pm:

(Zeeland/Corewell Occ Health closes at 6p; Urgent Care open until 8p)

CORewell Health/Zeeland Community Hospital OCCUPATIONAL Health CLInic (preferred)
8333 Felch Street (enter thru urgent care door)
Zeeland, MI  49464


CONCENTRA formerly Holland Medi-Center - alt choice - open until 6pm 
335 N 120th Avenue
Holland, MI  49424
(between James and Lakewood)

For after-hours only emergency care:

Zeeland Community Hospital emergency room
8333 Felch Street
Zeeland, MI  49464