Supply Lists
Young Fives
Headphones with a cord to use with iPads (labeled-no ear buds please)
Elmer's purple disappearing glue sticks (8 or more)
Crayola crayons (2-24 packs)
Crayola colored pencils (12 pack)
Crayola washable markers (12 pack-not fine tipped)
1pkg. skinny black fine tip-Expo dry erase markers
6pk of playdough
1 Bottle Hand Sanitizer
1 Box Tissues
1 spiral notebook-wide ruled (Labeled with your child's name)
1 beach towel (labeled - this is for rest time and will be kept in the classroom - no stuffed animals please)
1 pair of gym shoes to be kept in your child’s locker (labeled-used for gym and winter boot season)
Backpack (labeled and large enough to fit a standard-size folder, winter clothes, and a lunchbox.)
Classroom Donations are appreciated:
Community snack (Individually wrapped items to have on hand when snacks are forgotten- crackers, pretzels, goldfish, etc.)
Large bottle of hand sanitizer
Paper towel roll
Dixie cups-all sizes
Paper Plates
Disinfectant Wipes
Individual Items (please label):
1 pencil box
1 box of washable markers (Crayola brand recommended)
Crayola Twistable Crayons (please DO NOT get the twistable colored pencils; they break easily and run out fast)
1 box of Crayola brand 24 pack crayons
1 wide ruled, spiral bound notebook
Backpack (labeled and large enough to fit a standard size folder, winter clothes, and a lunchbox.)
A set of headphones with a cord (not wireless and no earbuds please). Here is a recommended brand of headphones:
8 glue sticks (or more!) per child (Do not label these-thanks!)
1 package of 4 dry erase markers (Expo brand recommended-if you can get all black, please do)(Do not label these-thanks!)
1 box soft Kleenex (Do not label)
Classroom donations/community items appreciated:
Community snack (Individually wrapped items to have on hand when snacks are forgotten- crackers, pretzels, goldfish, etc.)
Ziploc Gallon size baggies
Ziploc Quart size baggies
Extra headphones
Play Doh (mini sized or regular sized)
1st Grade
INDIVIDUAL ITEMS: (please label)
Pencil box
24 pack of crayons
Colored pencils
Headphones (please no ear buds)
#2 Ticonderoga Pencils (this brand will last the longest)
Dry erase markers
Glue sticks
Erasers (block style and/or pencil toppers)
Hand sanitizer
Classroom donations
Clorox wipes
Headphones (to have some extras for those who need them)
1st Grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate (must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
2nd Grade
Headphones (not earbuds, not bluetooth, nothing expensive)
Markers and crayons
Box of pre-sharpened pencils (if possible), pencil top erasers (many)
Pencil bag that zips shut (not the plastic pencil boxes, please-they get dropped and pop open/spill on floor). A small zipper lunch box works perfectly!
4-6 glue sticksPair of scissors
1 composition notebook
Dry erase markers (these can be thick or thin)
Classroom Donations are appreciated:
Disinfectant Wipes
Soft tissues
Individually wrapped classroom snacks such as: Skinny Pop, Veggie Straws, Pringles, Goldfish, Teddy Grahams, Cheez-Its, Cheese/cracker packs, Belvita crackers to share with friends who have forgotten to bring them in (The Amazon delivery guy comes to Quincy! It’s great when boxes of snacks are delivered right here- 10155 Quincy St, Zeeland, MI 49464)
2nd Grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate(must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
3rd Grade
Headphones or earbuds - usually need to be replaced due to wear and tear in January!
Glue sticks (2 or more)
Crayons or markers- 1 set is plenty
Box of pre-sharpened pencils- usually need more in January so keep some at home
Pencil top erasers
8 ultra-fine Expo markers
Pencil bag that zips shut (no plastic boxes please- a small, zipper lunch box works perfectly)
2 composition notebooks (not spiral bound) any color
1 sturdy folder with pockets – any color
(PLEASE NO TRAPPER KEEPER type of binders)
(2) 1/2 inch three ring binder with a cover slip
Any size/design spiral notebook
Pencil sharpener that holds shavings
Community items:
Any of the above items
Lysol wipes and spray
Hand sanitizer
Pre-Sharpened pencils
Gallon sized ziploc bags
Sandwich sized ziploc bags
Individually wrapped classroom snacks (The Amazon delivery guy comes to Quincy! It’s great when boxes of snacks are delivered right here- 10155 Quincy St, Zeeland, MI 49464)
3rd grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate(must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
4th Grade
Headphones or earbuds and case to store them in
Set of 24ct. colored pencils
Extra pencils & erasers
Pencil case (Zoppa)
2 composition notebooks-(Young, Zoppa)
1 spiral notebook (Zoppa, Young)
One poly (plastic) folder WITH prongs/fasteners (3 for Young-1 needed for Holwerda and Zoppa)
2 regular folders (Zoppa)
Extra glue sticks
Personal scissors
Sticky notes (Zoppa, Young)
Whiteboard Markers
*please label items with your child’s name… THANK YOU!
4th Grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate(must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
5th Grade
3 sturdy spiral notebooks (plastic cover is best)
5 folders (sturdy)
Glue (sticks or bottles)
Fine-tipped whiteboard markers
Earbuds or headphones
Pencils- Mechanical pencils are a good option with extra lead
Erasable pens
Scissors, colored pencils, whiteboard eraser,
highlighter, colored pens
Community Items:
Clorox wipes, kleenex, hand sanitizer,
5th Grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate (must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
5th Grade Art Class donations:
Prismacolor Colored Pencils (12 piece set)
Uhu Stic Glue Stick (as many as they would like to donate)
Art Class
These items can be donated in any pack size. Anything helps!
Sidewalk Chalk
Black Sharpies (any amount helps)
Crayola washable markers
Crayola colored pencils
Elmer's purple disappearing glue sticks (big or small)
Expo Brand dry erase markers
Ziploc bags (gallon or sandwich size)
#2 Ticonderoga brand pencil
Erasers: pink or vinyl erasers work best
Soft tissues
1st Grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate (must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
2nd Grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate(must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
3rd grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate(must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
4th Grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate(must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
5th Grade - 1 Sketchbook: suggested brands - Mondo LLama, Pen + Gear, UCreate (must be no more than 50 sheets and the size either 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12)
5th Grade Art Class donations:
Prismacolor Colored Pencils (12 piece set)
Uhu Stic Glue Stick (as many as they would like to donate)