February 21, 2025
------------------------- TODAY'S ANNOUNCEMENTS ----------------------------
--Hungry Howie's Pizza Sale; We have certificates for 1-topping medium pizzas for sale for $7 each. Proceeds support the Special Education department. Please stop in the front office to purchase. Thanks for your support!
--Another amazing night for Zeeland East and Cityside wrestling! Our Chix wrestlers put on an incredible performance in their latest matchups, securing two more big wins! In Cityside vs. Mona Shores, the team absolutely dominated with an outstanding 105-18 victory! A huge shoutout to our wrestlers for their hard work and determination on the mat. In the matchup againstGrand Haven, Cityside took down Grand Haven 61-36, proving once again that this team is a force to be reckoned with! Winning their matches last night were: Layla Shults, Logan Westrate, Parker Skaggs, Broden Harmsen, Brody Aldrich, Nicholas DeSoignie, Ella Revels, John Jeffries, Brennan Blanton, Chase Shults, Kolten Kimmel, Ashton Woehl, Chris Bucher, Jason Harmon, Jacob VanSweden, Jayla Segovia, Emmett Heyboer, Carter Bailey, Danna Sanchez, Anthony Pablo Diaz, Aiden Postma, Stone Lewis, Bentley Carlson, Sam Hellenthal, Alex Anghel, Teddy Ashby, Isaac Rahn, Michael McMahon, and Ethan Peterson. Great job, Chix! Keep training hard and bringing the energy as we push through the season. Let’s keep the streak going!
--Due to the half day next week Thursday, there will be no Tutor Time on Thursday, February 27.
--Middle School water polo sign ups are underway. If you are interested in participating in a spring sport, consider joining the Zeeland Middle School co-ed water polo club. You can sign up HERE. (This is for both new and returning members.) No experience is necessary. Practices are during the week. Competitions are on Saturdays. More information will be coming soon for interested players once you sign up through the google form. If you have any questions, please contact Coach VanDyken at nathan.vandyken@gmail.com or Mrs. Landes (parent rep) at jlandes@zps.org.
--The middle school dance program's Student Choreography Concert is coming up! It's next Wednesday, February 26 at 7:00pm in Lokers Auditorium (Cityside Middle School auditorium). The dance students have been working very hard at creating original works of choreography in preparation for this show. Tickets are $3 each and the proceeds go towards our ZPS performing arts scholarship fund. Tickets can be purchased at zpsarts.ludus.com for a small convenience fee. They can also be purchased at the door. Come out and support all of our amazing dancers!
--The auditions for the Cityside/Creekside combined play have been rescheduled.
- Creekside auditions will be on; Monday, February 24 from 2:45pm-5pm in the Quack Shack at Creekside.
- Cityside auditions will be on; Tuesday, February 25 from 2:45pm-6pm in the auditorium at Cityside.
- Callbacks will take place after Cityside's auditions on Tuesday (included in the time until 6pm)
--Attention ALL Cityside Students! Because of our snow days last month, we had to reschedule our annual HYPE Night. HYPE Night will now take place on March 7th from 6-8 pm. Informational permission slips can now be found outside the CBC or in the main office. Tickets will go on sale during lunches from March 3-6, which is the week of Hype Night. Questions? Email Mr. Williams at zwilliam@zps.org.
--Next week we celebrate Inclusion Week and have a fun Spirit Week with dress up days:
Monday - Dreaming of Inclusion: wear your PJs
Tuesday - Hats off to Kindness: Wear your favorite hat
Wednesday - Including everyone is Twice as Nice: Dress in the same outfit to be a twin, triplet, or even a group of friends!
Thursday - Chix Inclusion Day: Wear your Inclusion shirts or Chix gear!
--Spring Sports start on March 17th! There are quite a few students who are not ready in Final Forms, so please check your email accounts to see if you've received an email from Final Forms about any missing information needed to have you ready to play. Or if you're not registered at all yet, be sure to get set up in Final Forms ASAP. Any questions? Stop by to see Mrs. Nelson.
------------------------- REMINDERS FOR STUDENTS ----------------------------
--Students: Having good ATTENDANCE and being at school as much as possible is so important to a successful education. Please make every effort to arrive to school on time, to get to class on time, and to come every day. We love having you with us here at Cityside!
--If your Chromebook needs to be repaired, please bring it to Mrs. Nelson in the CBC by 9:00 in the morning so it can be sent off to the technology office the same day. Just a reminder: Mrs. Nelson does NOT have any loaner Chromebooks or charging cords for kids who forget them at home. Please make sure you are charging your Chromebook fully at night and make sure you take it to school every day. If you forget it, you will need to call home to have someone bring it to you. If you forgot to charge it, bring your cord from home. Please completely shut down your Chromebook at least once a week to install any updates that are out there and please remember to fully charge it at home each night.
--Students: You must use a crosswalk when crossing the road at any time because we care about your safety. State law requires you to ONLY cross at a crosswalk. It is illegal and unsafe to cross anywhere else. Please make sure to find the closest crosswalks and use those to get where you need to go before or after school. Thank you!
--If you leave school early for any reason, you MUST go through the office and let them know you are leaving. Thank you.
----Students: Chix Tutor Time runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 2:40-3:40 in Mrs. Sluiter's room, #135. Chix Tutor Time is a drop-in homework help where you can get help with homework from certified teachers. You do not have to attend every week or certain days; you can come as needed. However, you do need to stay the whole hour if you attend. Remember ~ this will only run on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons (not Wednesdays like last year). We hope to see you there!
----A quick reminder about Success Time: If you have been assigned success time or lunch detention, first drop off your assignments and Chromebook (if needed to complete your assignment)to the LGI room and then grab your lunch so you're ready to get to work right away. If you've turned your assignments in and have a signed slip, you have 3 options:
1. Hand your signed slip to Mrs. DenBoer in the LGI on your way to lunch.
2. Put your signed slip in the folder on Mrs. DenBoer's office door in the Media Center.
3. Put your signed slip in the Success Time Folder on the front desk in the Main Office.
--Students: There is now a donation bin/box beside the Lost and Found table outside of the office. The bin/box is for clothing donations that will go to the organization City on the Hill to help clothe homeless people. Feel free to donate old used clothes by simply putting them in the box. Thank you for your help!
--The Chix Mix audition dates have been set! We are holding auditions from 2:45-4pm Monday, March 3 and Tuesday, March 4. The auditions will be held in the choir room on both days. All acts need to come fully prepared with music (a youtube karaoke link is fine), props, costumes, and anything else you need for your act. The show is on Friday, March 14 during the school day so please make sure you are available to perform during the shows on that day. Please see Mrs. Landes (Chix Mix director) with questions. She is room 213 or you can e-mail her at jlandes@zps.org. If you are in a performing arts class, you may also connect with your teacher if you have any questions.
--Current 8th grade Students ONLY: If you are interested in taking the High School PE/Health class in June - fill out the form linked below by April 30, 2025. For a fee, students can take a full semester of PE/Health in a 3 week program in June. If interested, fill out THIS FORM.
-------------------------------- FOR PARENTS ----------------------------------
--If you were not able to attend the 8th grade information night at the High School last evening, please follow this LINK to the Cityside Resources webpage for links to the slide show and a recording of the presentation. Questions? Email Jessica Knoth at jknoth@zps.org.
--We have the opportunity to participate in the 2025 Zeeland Athletic Booster Basket Auction! These baskets will work to raise funds that will directly support our Cityside Middle School Athletic Programs. As in years past, team supporters, parents, event attendees and community participants will have an opportunity to bid on these themed baskets through the app, “ClickBid.” The baskets will also be on display at the East/West Basketball game on February 18th.
If you wish to contribute to the baskets, you can send a donation through Venmo or send cash / check to the middle school. 100% of basket proceeds will go to supporting Cityside athletics. Please submit all donations by January 20th. Thank you for your consideration and support for Cityside Athletics!
Venmo: @jessica-ras-1 (phone confirmation: 5806, please note Cityside Baskets in subject)
Cash/Check: Please send to Cityside Middle School and address to Mr. Gontjes’ attention
--On half days, if your student plans to visit the Howard Miller library after dismissal, please remind them to follow the library's rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable space for all:
- Respect the space and rules: Use chairs, not aisles or hallways, for seating. Keep backpacks and instruments out of walkways.
- Keep it quiet: Speak in low voices to maintain a calm atmosphere.
- Computer use: Public computers are limited to one person per station.
- Snacks only: While snacks and covered drinks are allowed, full meals (like pizza) should be enjoyed outside.
The Howard Miller library looks forward to welcoming our students and appreciate their cooperation in making the library a welcoming place for everyone! Thank you for your support.
--Foodservice Newsletter Note: Zeeland Public Schools is committed to ensuring all students have access to nutritious meals through the School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs. Through the 2024-2025 school year, every Michigan student can get FREE breakfast and lunch at their school. No qualifications are necessary. The purpose of posting this regulation is to comply with federal reporting requirements for the USDA Child Nutrition Program and to provide oversight for collecting outstanding student account balances. To learn more, please visit this link. Have questions? Email questions to Food Service Director Sarah Stone at sstone@zps.org.
--Sign Up to Receive the 'Z for Me,' our ZPS district email newsletter- Stay informed about the latest ZPS news, events, and updates, including important district announcements (school closings, etc.), upcoming events, and more. See this FLYER and visit www.zps.org to sign up.
--Parents, please make sure you have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account set up. You will be able to check your student's bus schedule, grades, attendance, etc. with the Parent Portal. If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Wolters at hwolters@zps.org.
--If your child will not be in school, for any reason, you MUST call the attendance line at 748-3205. Thank you!
--If you are picking your child up from school for any reason you must call the office before we will let them go. You may also call their cell phone in addition to the office, but the office must hear from you. 616-748-3250. Thank you!
--ZPS utilizes the School Messenger system to deliver text messages straight to your mobile phone with important information, including school
closings, safety alerts, and more. You can participate in this free service just by sending a text message of "Y" to our school's short code, 67587. See this informational FLYER for more details.
--Any message needing to get to a student must be received by 1:20 pm. We call students down at the beginning of their last hour during announcements so we are not disturbing classroom instruction time.
--We need your help to ensure our schools receive important state and federal funding by completing the Education Benefits Form,which collects information for educational program grants. Even though all students get free breakfast and lunch this year, filling out this form can also provide your child with additional services like summer food support, help with school fees, and potential household support for internet and cable. Questions? Please see your building principal. Scan the code on this Informational Flyer for more details.
--We would like to offer your student the opportunity to participate in a program at Cityside Middle School called “Hand2Hand”. This program helps provide a student with food for the weekends and is intended for families who currently may be experiencing a financial burden. Please contact the front office if you would like to participate. Please see the attached Hand2Hand Registration Flyer which is in both English and Spanish. Print it off and return it to the Cityside front office.
**Our Miles of Smiles (MOS) mobile dental unit is scheduled to be in Ottawa County Schools during the 2024-2025 school year. Our mobile dental unit provides no cost, preventive and restorative dental services for financially-qualifying children. Unfortunately, MOS will not be visiting your school this year. However, we want parents to know that they can schedule their child to be seen on our mobile unit when we locate at another Ottawa County School. Miles of Smiles can be accessed by using the following informational application link: MILES OF SMILES
--Please do not have lunch food delivered from area restaurants to our students for lunch. We aren't allowed to sign your credit card receipts, and often the order only comes with a student's first name on it making it very difficult for us to know who it is for. Students often don't know a lunch is being delivered for them, so they don't come to pick it up and the food goes uneaten. Thanks for understanding!
--Parents of Students attending the Washington, DC trip: You are already aware of the mandatory meeting next week at 6:00 on Tuesday, Feb. 25th in the Cityside auditorium. But...PLEASE know that I will have a notary public AT the meeting to notarize your trip authorization form. Parents will need to bring their license or another form of a picture ID if they want their form notarized, but the notary will be at the meeting ready to go! Let Mrs. Huizenga know if you have questions. Thanks!
------------------------- ATHLETICS ANNOUNCEMENTS ----------------------------
--SPORT SIGN-UPS: FINAL FORMS REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR THE 2024/2025 SCHOOL YEAR! Please see the CITYSIDE ATHLETICS WEB PAGE for information on signing up student athletes. All registration and sports sign ups will be done online in the Final Forms website for the 2024/2025 school year. Drop in locations for sports physicals are also listed on the athletic web page. If your student is planning to participate in any sports during this 2024/2025 school year, please remember that they must have a new sports physical that is dated AFTER April 15, 2024. Please bring sports physicals to Mrs. Nelson in the CBC or upload a PDF (Preferred format) into your student's Final Forms record.
--Hey Chix Families! Have you heard the big news in athletics? For the first time ever, the Zeeland Athletic Boosters are allowing you to directly support our Cityside athletics the next time you volunteer! New to Cityside or new to our Athletic Boosters? No problem! Everyone is encouraged to volunteer! The Zeeland Athletic Boosters are our biggest partner when it comes to supporting our athletes. From purchasing equipment or jerseys, to providing scholarships to our Senior Athletes, our Boosters help support athletic excellence at Zeeland Public Schools. The next time you volunteer, just write “Cityside” for the team/program you would like to sponsor. By doing this, the funds you raise will go directly to our Cityside Athletics account. Workers earn $10/hour at any ZPS athletic event! Sign up here! Go Chix!
--7th and 8th grade boys interested in playing Boys Volleyball or Baseball this spring, you are now able to sign up on Final Forms to receive preseason and tryout information. Questions? Ask Mr. Gontjes!
--If you are a 6th, 7th or 8th grade girl who is interested in the joining the Cityside Club Softball team, please sign up in Final Forms as soon as possible. Voluntary practices will be starting the beginning of February and tryouts will be February 22.