Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement

Dual Enrollment

Local school districts and state-approved nonpublic schools must provide general information about the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act and the Career and Technical Preparation Act to all pupils enrolled in grade 8 or higher by March 1 of the current school year for the following school year’s enrollment. This general information about college equivalent courses includes advanced placement, virtual university, and postsecondary options.  This web page is updated yearly to provide the required information.  This information is also in our curriculum guide.

Dual Enrollment General Information

The Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act, better known as the “Dual Enrollment Act”, enables pupils to enroll in courses or programs at postsecondary institutions in Michigan. Zeeland Public Schools complies with all aspects of the Dual Enrollment Act as set forth by the Michigan Department of Education. For more information regarding dual enrollment, contact your high school counselor or visit www.michigan.gov/mde/.

Students interested in dual enrollment should be mature enough and academically ready to handle the rigors of a college course. The State of Michigan has defined cut scores on common standardized tests that may help students determine their readiness. Dual enrolled classes will need to relate to a student’s stated postsecondary goals. Classes should be academic in nature and may not be hobby, craft, or recreation courses, or in the subject areas of physical education, theology, divinity, or religious education.  Zeeland defines a class as academic in nature if that class helps a student pursue their stated postsecondary goals. Dual enrollment is available to eligible 9-12 graders.  Students may take up to 10 dual enrolled courses over the 4 years of high school.

Dual enrollment must be carefully planned out. Most dual enrolled students take 4 or 5 classes at Zeeland, rather than the normal 6. This may be necessary in order to allow travel time to and from the college. Although Zeeland will cover a portion of the tuition, in most cases our reimbursement will not cover all tuition. Students and parents should consult with their child’s counselor early on in each semester if they are interested in dual enrollment for the following semester. Each college will have its own dual enrollment process, which includes deadlines to apply. Zeeland Public Schools only puts college grades on the high school transcript if: 1) the student is planning to use a college class to fulfill a high school graduation requirement, or 2) the student requests it. College courses that appear on the high school transcript will be factored into the cumulative GPA but will NOT be awarded a bonus point.  It is the responsibility of the student/parent to research whether the credits earned through dual enrollment will transfer to their desired college.  Please review the letter below for further details.

Dual Enrollment Eligibility Letter

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses 

AP courses are courses taught at Zeeland High School that contain all college level content. The curriculum for AP courses is developed by the College Board. Zeeland High School teachers teach the content in order to prepare students to take the AP exam in May. Zeeland High School offers 17 AP courses. The courses are open to any student. It is suggested that students meet with their teachers and counselor before deciding to take an AP course. We suggest that students carry at least a 3.0 GPA and are committed to extra study time above and beyond regular courses. Students in AP courses push themselves academically, enjoy problem solving and are prepared to put in the extra study hours needed to be successful in the course. AP courses are designed to challenge students and prepare them for the rigors of college work.  AP courses are weighted on a 5.0 scale instead of a 4.0 scale, rewarding students for taking challenging AP courses.